AED Program for
cardiac safe
Access • Awareness • Education
Every minute matters when Sudden Cardiac Arrest strikes. Our program is focused on preparing you & your family for a quick and confident response. You have the power to save a life!


Cottages require special consideration due to distance and time away from immediate medical attention. You can help protect your family by investing in an AED for the cottage.

When someone suffers Sudden Cardiac Arrest, (SCA) their chances of survival can increase by 75% if an AED and CPR are used within the first few minutes. Brain damage sets in at approximately the 4 minute mark. After ten minutes, the chance of survival is almost zero. Quick and immediate access to an AED is critical.

With over 20 years of experience, we are leaders in First Aid Training and our passionate AED consultants are here and ready to help ensure your cottage is cardiac safe.

AEDs for the Home & Cottage

These bundles are tailor made for the cottage or home. Each include an AED response kit (first aid kit) and owners manual.

First Aid Kits

Don’t forget about your First Aid kit when it comes to being prepared at the cottage.  First aid supplies do expire, so it’s important to check your current kit before you leave home. View all First Aid Kits.

We Come to You!

We offer our WSIB approved First Aid AED & CPR training for groups at your location.  Our popular ‘Shock on the Dock‘ workshop is private, custom and fun! We come to your cottage and run through emergency scenarios with your family, friends and neighbours.

Shock on the Dock

Our popular ‘Shock on the Dock‘ workshop is private, custom and fun! We come to your cottage and run through emergency scenarios with your family, friends and neighbours to get you comfortable with when and how to use your AED.

Contact us to book your group! 1-866-347-7824

Crowdfunding Opportunities

You can help protect your cottage community by launching a SaveStation Crowdfunding campaign to help raise funds to place a public-access AED outdoors – available for anyone to use!

Special offers available for FOCA members.  Please contact us to learn more.


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Contact Us

Enter your contact information and an Action First Aid AED consultant will follow up with you within 24 hours.